12 Important Travel Tips

When it comes to traveling, preparation, and safety should be top priorities for any adventurer. Whether you’re an experienced globetrotter or a first-time explorer, having a reliable source of travel tips and information is essential. There is one source where you can not only get traveling tips but can find blogs for traveling places related

Street: New York Part 1

New York City and Street Photography goes hand in hand, like peas in a pod. Bright billboards, busy streets, steam from the sewers, shiny signages, yellow cabs, and vibrant souls are all packed in this island of dreams. Everywhere you turn, there is always a photo opportunity. This concrete jungle is not only filled with

The Hidden Village of Wae Rebo

Have you ever wondered somewhere deep in the jungle and on the mountain summit, lies a community living their lives isolated from the spoils of modernization and exploitation. Tucked away in the dense tropical jungles of East Nusa Tenggara Island (or more commonly known as Flores Island), there is such a place. Well, almost. Wae

The Crater Lakes of Kelimutu

Kelimutu is a volcano located close to the little town of Moni. It is 50km away from Ende, Indonesia. The mountain consists of 3 coloured crater lakes. The Kelimutu Crater Lakes is that one iconic location which has intrigued my interest to find out more about the island of East Nusa Tenggara, also known as

The Beauty of Bajawa

Bajawa, the capital of the Ngada district, is a small charming town located down south of East Nusa Tenggara. Like many smaller towns around Flores, Bajawa may not have tons to see but it has enough picturesque and unique culture to attract me to capture some of the most beautiful scenes in this part of

Corner Towers of the Forbidden City

At each corners of the walls surrounding the Forbidden City, you will find 4 towers that resemble Chinese temples. These are far from being any religious building. These towers were constructed as defence facilities alongside the lofty walls, the gigantic gate towers and the moat. Built in the 1420 during Yongle Emperor’s reign, they are

A Guide to Flores Island

Most people who travels to Indonesia would often visit Bali there is so much to see in Indonesia, so Bali multi centre holidays are recommended just for that destination alone. Some would even venture to Lombok or the Gili Islands. However, there is this huge chunk of an island that has always intrigued me to

Small Town of Nong Khiaw

Most people who has traveled into Laos will praise its beauty and tranquility. Well known cities like Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Vang Vieng usually comes to mind. However, very few has heard of the village of Nong Khiaw. If you are keen on off beaten trails like me, Nong Khiaw is a great place to