The trip to Japan 2 – Tokyo

Location: Narita Airport, TokyoTime: 7:30a.mDate: 28 February 2008 We reached the airport in the morning after a 5 hours flight from Bangkok. Having no good sleep in those airplane seats, I felt like dying. But, there was a slight thrill when we landed in Narita Airport. With no knowledge whatsoever about Japanese Language, we used

The trip to Japan 1 – Bangkok Transit

(Thai Airlines Logo from a cup) Thai Airways, the airline that took us from “Helo” to “Sawatdee Khrab”, then from “Sawatdee Khrab” to “Konnichiwa”. The first day of the trip was quite fulfilling. Given that we had 13 hours of transit time while in Bangkok, we at first wanted to spend those freakin hours in