The Year Was 2014

This is my final post for the year of 2014. It has been quite an interesting year for me. I wouldn’t say that it was a perfect year but overall it was still pretty amazing. The year 2014 was my first year of being a husband. Although the name seems to be quite an upgrade

Education in North Korea

When we travel to foreign countries, seldom do we come across the idea of visiting a school. But during our trip to the DPRK, we had the opportunity to visit some of the learning grounds of the Korean people. We as foreigners are basically unaware of the education system in North Korea. The majority thinks

Masikryong Ski Resort

North Korea’s most luxurious and first ski resort opened it’s doors earlier this year. We were one of the lucky ones to visit the resort and experience some of the facilities that was installed for us. Since we were already in Wonsan, there is no escape from visiting and even staying at this beautifully crafted

Snapshot: Mount Paektu

Mount Paektu may not sound familiar to the most of us but it’s other name, Changbai Mountain may be. Bordering China and the DPRK, this active volcano is a very significant mountain to the Korean people. Boasting at about 2500m high, it is the tallest mountain on the Korean peninsula. On the top of the

Getting Into North Korea

After Buzzfeed’s somewhat unclear post about Aram Pan’s aircraft photos, it’s quite obvious that many people have come to the attention of the national carrier of North Korea, Air Koryo. First of all, Aram Pan’s photos are amazing and so is Air Koryo, but Buzzfeed’s post was a little bit out of context and might

Korean Demilitarized Zone (DPRK)

No trip to any side of the Korean peninsula is complete without setting foot at human history’s most tragic and ironic strip of land, the Korean Demilitarized Zone, or most commonly known as the DMZ. As all of us know, this serves as a buffer zone between both sides of Korea. It is the de

Wedding Anniversary in North Korea

Time sure flies when you’re having lots of fun. It has already been 6 years since me and my wife first met and started dating. September 2014 marks our 1st Wedding Anniversary. After being together for so long, it’s become more apparent that Fann is the most beautiful person in the world. Through these years,

Snapshot: Pyongyang 2

Putting aside all the bad things we’ve heard from the western media about North Korea, let’s look at some of the down to earth side of the country’s capital. Pyongyang city, with a population of 2.5 million is also the largest city in North Korea. Out of my 12 days in the DPRK, I spent