Sunset at Prambanan

The Prambanan Temple is one of the iconic structures often forgotten when you mention Yogyakarta. It is always overshadowed by the Buddhist Temple of Borobudur which is much more popular. However, this does not mean that this ancient Hindu Temple structure is to be forgotten and crossed off your list. The Prambanan is said to

Exploring Mount Merapi

Waking up extremely early in the morning has become a norm in our travel lives. Even on the last day of our week-long trip to Yogyakarta, we decided to visit the sacred Mount Merapi and watch one final sunrise before heading back to Kuala Lumpur. This young and active stratovolcano is at least 40km away

The Beauty of Borobudur

In September 2015, Fann and I traveled to the city of Yogyakarta for a short trip. The trip was a spontaneous one and it came about when we accidentally stumbled upon a couple of super cheap air tickets from Airasia. So, we had no choice but to go. One of our most memorable places we

25 Best Panoramic Landscapes of North Korea

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious” is what Albert Einstein has taught us. This is all so true. What is more exciting than traveling into the mysterious lands of North Korea? Well, that would be my big fat hard earned chance to capture the beautiful landscapes of the ‘hermit kingdom’ and

Sunrise at Mount Prau

People think that mountain climbing is my hobby (though I have plenty of other indoor passions like playing the best free solitare I can find). Well, it does look like it since many of my photos seem to be about them. In fact, it’s not the mountain climbing that I’m hooked on, but it’s the

Landscapes of Bagan

Hidden away along the banks of the Irrawaddy River, the ancient city of Bagan is a photographers’ wonderland. Bagan is home to the densest concentration of ancient Buddhist temples and pagodas in the world. What makes this place so magical? Well, due to the thousands of temples that was built for hundreds of years across

Sunrise of U-Bein

Only half an hour drive away from the old capital of Mandalay in the village of Amarapura, lies this bridge that is one of the most scenic things I”ve ever seen in my life. The U-Bein Bridge is a teakwood bridge that is known to be the oldest and longest in the world. U-Bein Bridge

Landscapes of Yangon

Once called Rangoon and the great capital of British Burma, Yangon is in fact a dynamic city. It still remains a city of the past because of it’s extremely unique landscape compromising a fusion of ancient Burmese, British colonial and modern architecture. Yangon downtown gives the city a very photogenic skyline look from above. Also,